Trilogy: The Un-invited (Light)
Image: Katydid, Lisa Careau
Bug, you are very handsome and marvelous, but I have to ask you to move on. You see, you’ve landed upon my prized geraniums, and are making short work of their leaves.
Divine wisdom made you the shape and color of foliage right down to your netted veins. But, standing here upon the object of your current meal, your nibbles betray you in the holes you’ve created. I wouldn’t mind sharing but there’s evidence you’ve been greedy: a bite here, a hole there, it’s easy to see you’re more than needy. You’ll grow fat, my plant will become thin. And what then? No more flowers to attract the hummingbirds and the bees—a travesty!
So, if it’s all the same to you, I’ll just pick you up here and move you over there (waaaay over there). Katydid, please, do not return, you’re not welcome here anymore.
I thank you and my geraniums thank you.